Bluebirds and Swallows Nest Box



Attract friendly, insect-eating bluebirds and Tree Swallows! This birdhouse features an expertly crafted slotted entrance to keep out invasive species and protect your nestlings until they fledge.

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SKU: NB0014 Category:

Bluebirds and Swallows Nest Box

Attract friendly, insect-eating bluebirds and Tree Swallows! This birdhouse features an expertly crafted slotted entrance to keep out invasive species and protect your nestlings until they fledge. The ventilation prevents your nestlings from overheating, even if it’s hot out. Easy to install against any flat surface with the mounting hardware. Made from Eastern white pine, which weathers beautifully to blend in with your backyard landscape.

Nuthatches constitutea genus, Sitta,of small passerine birds belonging to the family Sittidae. Characterized by large heads, short tails, and powerful bills and feet, nuthatches advertise their territory using loud, simple songs. Most species exhibit grey or bluish upperparts and a black eye stripe. Nuthatches are omnivorous, eating mostly insects, nuts and seeds. They forage for insects hidden in or under bark by climbing along tree trunks and branches, sometimes upside-down. All nuthatches nest in cavities; except for the two species of rock nuthatches, all use tree holes, making a simple cup lined with soft materials on which to rest eggs. In some species the lining consists of small woody objects such as bark flakes and seed husks, while in others it includes the moss, grass, hair and feathers typical of passerine birds.

Tickell’s Blue flycatcher male’s upper parts are bright blue, its throat and breast are red, and the rest of the under parts are white. The female is duller blue with a brighter blue brow, shoulder, rump, and tail. Tickell’s blue flycatcher breeds in dry forest, scrub, bamboo and gardens. The breeding season is April to August (March to June in Sri Lanka). It nests in a hole in a tree or amongst rocks that is lined with fine grass and fibers and lay 3–5 eggs.

Nest Box Location – Mount on a tree, post, fence or wall between four and twelve feet high with partial sun and shade .

Additional information

Weight 1000 g
Dimensions 7.50 × 6.50 × 7.50 in


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Bluebirds and Swallows Nest Box

Bluebirds and Swallows Nest Box