Birdhouses have been part of Western culture for hundreds of years in both North America and Europe. Over the centuries baskets and clay pottery were used as the initial birdhouses in Europe while birch bark was used in North America. The first use of man-made birdhouses in history was around the 15th – 16th century. In Turkey, birdhouses were built for sparrows and swallows during the pre-Ottoman period. They were made of bricks, tiles, wood, stone and mortar. Birdhouses in Turkey were often built into the façade of the building and complemented the architecture surrounding it.

Building Providing wild birds with a suitable nest can encourage them to return year after year, filling your yard with beauty and song.Before you choose a free bird house plan you’ll want to decide where you’re going to put the finished house. This will help you decide what type (tree, hanging, pole, etc.) and size of bird house you should choose.Some bird houses are better than others for certain types of birds. Choose a plan with an entrance hole size that makes sense and is a size that allows the birds plenty of room to nest.

Placing – Birdhouses can be mounted in a variety of ways. Birds will tend to choose places they are more comfortable with, so if a current birdhouse location is not receiving any residents, it may be time to find a new spot. Birdhouses should be placed at locations that limit the amount of predators and human disturbances; however, in many cases these guidelines cannot be met. The best recommendation is to mount the birdhouse in the best possible location given the restrictions in your yard.

Maintaining – At least once a year, but preferably twice a year the birdhouse needs to be cleaned out. Tap on the house and listen for activity inside. Carefully shine a flashlight inside to make sure there aren’t eggs or chicks inside. Always look from the corner of the house diagonally in through the hole as a startled bird may fly straight out. Once you are sure the house is not in use, open whatever hatch is provided and pull out the old nesting material. Use gloves and wash thoroughly afterwards.